Monthly update: March 2018

March is here! Time to march forward into a new month and new goals!

Okay, yes, that was a bad pun. I’m allowed to make one every now and then, though. Right? No? Well, it’s already been made, and I can’t promise I won’t make another one. So we’re all just going to have to live with it.

Anyway, it’s March, which means it’s almost spring. Or perhaps it’s already spring where you live, in which case you have a good portion of my jealousy.

It being March also means it’s time for me to lay out for you my newest set of monthly goals. Before I do that, though, let’s take a look back at how I did in February.

February’s goals

  1. Finish the class on Master Class.
  2. Edit 20,000 words of CD.
  3. Edit one short story.
  4. Put together a Print Shop promo plan.

First off, let me say that I did much better in February than I did in January. I finished that promo plan for my Print Shop, and I started edits on one of my short stories. I didn’t quite finish that class on Master Class, but I’m more than halfway through it now. Finishing it is just a matter of sitting down for a couple more hours.

The one that surprises me is that I didn’t reach my CD goal. I did get more than halfway there, but I thought I’d edited more than that. While I made good progress in the edits that I did make, I really need to buckle down on that project more. So it’s going to be a big focus in March.

Speaking of which…

March’s goals

  1. Edit 20,000 words of CD.
  2. Rework some character aspects in BC.
  3. Get halfway through editing that short story.

Only three goals this month, one and a half of them the same as last month. I kept the CD goal the same, but I scaled back my short story goal. I’m hoping that’ll make it more achievable.

That BC one is new, though. I came to a realization about a couple of the characters in that novel over the past couple of weeks, and so I need to do some tweaking in that manuscript. It doesn’t need a major overhaul or anything, so I should be able to do the edits within the month. Especially since I have Wednesday mornings off this month, and I can make this my Wednesday-morning project.

So, that’s what I’m hoping to achieve this month. What do you have on your list of goals? Did you have to scale anything back like I did?

2 thoughts on “Monthly update: March 2018

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    1. I find my monthly goals to be a big help! They’re a great motivator, even if I don’t always accomplish them.

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