Tea time

Vanilla Swirl Tea

I’ve been making an effort to drink more tea lately, especially before bed. Not caffeinated tea before bed, of course–I’d never sleep. I’ve found some nice non-caffeinated teas that seem to help me sleep better, though.

I do drink caffeinated tea during the day, though. It helps keep my energy up, and it’s a little healthier than the mochas and lattes that I usually drink. Not that I’ve entirely given those up. I usually buy or make myself one each day, but at least the tea keeps me from drinking more than that.

Okay, so maybe the fact that I haven’t completely given up the lattes and mochas means that the tea isn’t going to help my health all that much. But I figure even a little difference is better than no difference at all, right?

Vanilla Swirl Tea

5 thoughts on “Tea time

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      1. This one is really good! I would definitely recommend trying it, if you get the chance.

  1. So, I realize, still not a super healthy choice, but it’s one of my indulgences rather than an everyday tea.

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